(from) The Will of John Rolfe
"In the Name of God Amen; The Tenth day of March Anno dni 1621 And in the yeare of the Raigne of or Soveraigne Lorde James by the grace of god Kinge of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the Faith &c That is to say of England France and Ireland the Nyneteenth And of Scotland the Ivth I John Rolfe of James Citty in Virginia Esquire beinge sicke in body, but of perfecte minde and memory [(}laude and prayse be given to Almightie god therefore) doe make and ordaine this my laste and finall will and testament in forme followeinge that is to say: Firste and principally I doe Comend my soule into the hands of Almightye god my maker and Redeemer, assuredly trusteinge in the meritts of Jesus Christe my Lorde and onely Savior, to have full and ample remission of all my sinnes, and to inheritte wth him a porcon of the glorious kingdome of god, with all the holy Angells and Archaungells and blessed Sts and electe of that Eternall kingdome: And my body I Comitte to the Earth [(] in hope of a Joyfull resurrection) to be buryed att the discretion of my Executor hereafter named in such decent and Comely or I sic manner as vnto my said Executor shalbe thoughte fitte: ...." |