Jan 6 or 9, 1580 - John Smith is baptized; some sources say Jan 6, some Jan 9 (baptism would be within days of birth)
1595 or 1596 - Pocahontas is born (year based on age written on Van de Passe engraving)
Dec. 20, 1606 - Smith departs England aboard the Susan Constant, captained by Christopher Newport
Feb 13 - Smith is arrested and imprisoned on the Susan Constant for insubordination and plotting
April 26 - Smith arrives in Virginia (while still imprisoned by expedition leaders); Pocahontas would be 11 or 12 years old; Smith 27
May 14 - Jamestown is established as the location of the colony
May - Smith accompanies Newport up the James River (6 days), making peaceful contact with Indian tribes
May 26 - In Smith's and Newport's absence, Jamestown is attacked while Wingfield defends; 2 colonists and an unknown number of Indians die
June 10 - Smith is made a member of the ruling council
June 15 - James Fort construction is completed
June 22 - Newport departs for England with mineral samples
July/August - Smith and other colonists are sick and many die; Aug. 22, Capt. Bartholomew Gosnold dies
Sept. 10 - Wingfield is replaced by Ratcliffe as Council President
Sept.- Nov. - Smith conducts two trading missions to acquire food for the colonists
early Dec. - Smith is captured by the Powhatans (Dec 12?); interacts with Opechancanough, Powhatan and possibly Pocahontas
Dec. 29 - possible date of the Powhatan ceremony and Pocahontas rescue
End of December 1607 - number of colonists reduced to 38
Jan. 2 - Smith is released and returns to Jamestown and is sentenced to execution
Jan. 2 - Newport arrives with the 'first supply'plus 100 settlers; Smith is spared from execution
Jan. 7 - fire damages Jamestown fort
Feb - Newport & Smith visit Powhatan for trade; Thomas Savage is exchanged for Namontack
Spring - Pocahontas visits Jamestown on several occasions? (sources are unclear on the dates)
April 10 - Newport departs for England with more mineral samples along with Archer, Ratcliffe, Wingfield and Namontack
May - Indian plots and ambushes
June 2 - Smith's True Relation manuscript is sent to England with Nelson
June, July - Chesapeake exploration; (June 2-July 21) 7 weeks
August - Chesapeake exploration;(July 24-Sept 7?) 6 weeks
Oct - Newport returns with 70 settlers, including glass craftsmen and two women
Sept. - Newport coronates Powhatan; Smith not present (but opposed) (Firstbrook says October?)
Sept. 10 - Smith is elected Council President - edict "He that will not work shall not eat"
Nov - Anne Burras marries carpenter John Laydon/Layden; first marriage in Jamestown; they had 4 children; all family members were listed as survivors in the muster of 1624/25
Dec. - Smith sends a complaint letter to England with Newport, along with pitch, tar, glass, etc.
Smith's A True Relation is published in England, apparently a surprise to John Smith
Jan. 12 - Smith goes to Werowocomoco for food; Pocahontas warns him of a plot to kill him
Jan. - Smith threatens Opechancanough with a gun to get food (Firstbrook says late Dec?)
Feb - Wowimchopunck tries to assasinate Smith? (check this)
Spring - Smith disperses settlers due to food shortages
Sept. 10 - George Percy replaces Smith as president
Sept. - Gunpowder incident befalls Smith
Oct. 4 - Smith is sent back to England after being injured by gunpowder
Nov 30 - Smith has arrived in London by this date; he convalesces
Winter 1609-1610 - the Starving Time; Gabriel Archer dies
John Rolfe arrives in Jamestown after surviving a shipwreck in Bermuda (May 23 or 24?)
The few surviving colonists abandon Jamestown (June 7?) but return 4 days later upon encountering Lord De la Warr, who orders their return
John Rolfe exports first crop of tobacco to England
John Smith's Map of Virginia is published
April - Pocahontas is captured at a Patawomeck village by Capt. Samuel Argall
Pocahontas is schooled in Christianity by Alexander Whitaker
Pocahontas meets John Rolfe
1614 April 5 - Pocahontas marries John Rolfe
1615 Thomas Rolfe is born; some sources say January, though there is no surviving record
Pocahontas, John Rolfe, Thomas Rolfe depart for England
According to John Rolfe's records, there are 351 settlers at 6 settlements in and around Jamestown
John Smith's claimed letter to Queen Anne asking for kind treatment of Pocahontas; no paper original exists; we only know of this because Smith published a purported draft in 1624
Pocahontas consorts with English royalty and attends a masque
John Smith meets Pocahontas for the last time in Brentford, England; the meeting is somewhat tense
1617 March 17 - Pocahontas dies and is buried in Gravesend, England; son Thomas remains in England
1618 Wahunsenaca, Pocahontas's father and paramount chief of the Powhatan Indians, dies
March (exact date unknown) - John Rolfe dies; his name is not listed as a victim of the Powhatan attack which happens near in time; his will was dated March 10
March 22, 1622 - Powhatan uprising; 347 colonists are killed by Powhatan Indians, roughly 1/4 of the Jamestown population
1624 Generall Historie of Virginia, New England and the Summer Isles published; Smith's 1616 letter to Queen Anne surfaces here